Born and raised in New York music has always been apart of Mallory’s life ever since she was a little girl. Her mother taught her how to sing and then she joined the school choir in middle school. During college, her family encouraged her in singing and acting even though it wasn’t what she was going to college for. She continued her career in entertainment with singing, songwriting, musicals and acting. At moments a lot of hard times came into her life, disappointment, lost loved ones, heartbreak and betrayal, we all can relate to at least one of those things, and the only thing that helped her was music. She continues her career in entertainment after driving cross country on November 2017 from New York to Los Angeles with hopes to impact others like it does her.
Mallory Hunter was inspired to write this song based off of a personal message. It’s a song about not losing a friendship just because of a relationship ending. “I’m not begging you for a relationship, but after we’ve been through all this s*** I’m just saying let’s be friends”
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