Inspired by great emcees of the past and present, this ambitious young talent is toppled with the finesse of the late singer Aaliyah, and compounded with dance moves similar to Chris Brown. She is on a mission to make a mark in the Hip-Hop culture. As an upcoming DMV hip-hop artist DeAnna Stealth a.k.a. Miss Cookie was born DeAnna Mayo. She is a blossoming, accomplished, and dynamic hip-hop recording artist, songwriter, producer, performer, and teen entrepreneur (who was 1st featured as a spotlighted guest on BET’s 106 & Park in May of 2012 for her organic cookie business which she started at the age of 13). She’s also 2012/2013 a BET’s 106 & Park Wild Out Wednesday winner and Coca-Cola Championship competitor. Her community involvement has landed her over 2800 hours of community service, the 2012-2013 Prince Georges County Chamber of Commerce Teen Entrepreneur of the Year Award and other proclamations/awards within her community. She’s also had numerous features on local media outlets both radio and T.V.
Follow DeAnna Stealth
Website: http://www.deannastealth.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/OfficialDeAnnaStealth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeAnnaStealth
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DeAnnaStealth